FHF Activities
Fill your days with various activity ideas from the activity menu below and rejoice in personally experiencing the love of God. Use the printable calendar to create a month filled with uplifting and inspiring activities for you and your family to experience.
Calendar Activity Menu
Plan a walk in your neighborhood with a group, your family, a friend, or on your own.
On Wonder Walks, enjoy beautiful surroundings and deeply breathe in and out as you take a walk with God and let your mind wonder about all that He will do for you and yours.

Music is powerful, inspiring, and sometimes transformative.
Create your own personal playlist that includes songs selections that remind you of God's LOVE for you, and the LOVE that Jesus' showed the world.
Songs should have messages of LOVE that uplift and inspire you see LOVE in the world and to be LOVE in the world - like Jesus.

When your feet hit the floor in the morning - reach up and stretch your arms up high and declare:
Then look out the window and wave to the rising sun and think of Jesus, The Son - and know that as sure as the sun rises each day, God has given you another opportunity to rise and be an expression of HIS LOVE in the world.
Greet at least one person you know or don't know every day with a smile and a kind hello.
It's a simple yet profound expression of human kindness that may make all the difference to a person's day.
Be the difference - be love - be holy - be like Jesus.
The hashtag, #helloyellow is the official hashtag of
For HIM February.
Use it when you post on social media throughout the month of February to acknowledge your faith and love For HIM.
If you choose, use it when you post anything on social media as a personal declaration and witness of Jesus' love.
A FLASH is a social media post of a still picture or video. A FLASH has the color yellow in it.
A FLASH shows something that reminds us of Jesus’ love. It can be a picture of something yellow such flower, or even something as random as a yellow bicycle. The idea is that when you see yellow you remember Jesus and begin to see the love of Jesus around you.

Wonder Tables provide a way to work creatively according to special talents and spiritual gifts.
At Wonder Tables you focus on God’s love and begin the joyful practice of wondering how He will bless you and yours.
Pick a scripture about love for your family to focus on and express through creative activities, your understanding of God’s love.
Create cards, scarves, bracelets, artwork, notes, pillows, candles, and much more. The possibilities are limitless.

Your home is your refuge. You come to this place every day to rest and renew for the next. Wouldn’t it be nice to create within your home a reminder of the love of Jesus?
Yellow is the color of For HIM February because it reflects the brightest light - symbolizing Jesus' love.
Create Home Shine in your home with pops of yellow in February to remind your family that your home is a place of love and rest as He intends.

Make cozy yellow fleece scarves.
Get fleece from your local craft store and have fun creating this easy to make gift for yourself or for someone you love.
Add embellishments such as beads and flowers - add as much or as little as you like.
Here is an online site with easy to follow instructions: https://www.onlinefabricstore.net/makersmill/how-to-make-a-fleece-scarf/
Put a simple jar or container out in your home for collecting coins and dollars called Kingdom Cash.
Every time someone in your home observes and/or demonstrates a Fruit of the Spirit - Love, Joy, Kindness, Faithfulness, Patience, Self-Control, Peace, Goodness, and/or Gentleness - drop some Kingdom Cash
in the jar.
At the end of the month decide to do something in love with the Kingdom Cash you collect.

Want to cheer up people who work or live in a community or on a campus with side walks - such as schools, businesses, or retirement communities?
Chalk the Walk is a great way to live out love that uplifts and encourages others.
Draw colorful pictures and write scripture and words of love on sidewalks with chalk that will surely brighten someone’s day.
Make a statement this February and send yellow roses in lieu of red.
Consider attaching a note that speaks to how grateful you are for the beautiful example of love that they show you and that you can truly see their love.
Remember we all have someone who shows us love - it may be a friend, your mother, your aunt, your grandmother, your boss, a daughter or son, a father, or a brother or sister. See LOVE all around you.

Jewelry making has become a favorite hobby for many.
I SAID YES Jewelry is made using yellow accents to remind us who we belong to.
This design feature reminds all who wear a piece that they have said YES to God and YES to living love out loud with the mindset of Christ Jesus.
Make I SAID YES bracelets in February for everyone in your family.
Praying for others is one of the most powerful expressions of love. Put on the mind & heart
of Christ Jesus and pray in love.
If you are called to pray on behalf of others - Intercessory Prayer is for you.
Pray on behalf of each other, family, friends, teachers, teens, children, marriages, businesses, churches, leaders - all who are on your heart.
This can be an individual and/or group/family activity.

Make a welcome statement on your home that proclaims your faith and love for HIM.
Yellow is the color of For HIM February as it symbolizes the light of Jesus.
Hang a yellow wreath or flag on your front door
or front porch.
Be creative and use other yellow items to decorate your home front. Plant yellow flowers, add a yellow pot, or tie a yellow ribbon.
Every time you come home you'll remember to
think of HIM.

Bring family time back to the dinner table by picking a day to set the table and have a special meal together.
It can be any day of the week and for any meal
of the day. It can be every day.
It doesn’t have to be fancy. Try adding a yellow touch to your tablescape to remind everyone of
the light and love of Jesus.
Enjoy time to talk about blessings and
reflect upon the day.

This activity is to encourage and love those who are struggling with a challenge or who have
experienced a loss.
Cut yellow hearts out of construction paper and glue wooden kitchen skewers to the back. Then adorn a yard with yellow hearts for love.

Like Card the Yard, adorn a place of love with yellow. Make yellow hearts to decorate a loved ones’ grave site. Yellow flowers and ribbons can also be used.
Create this visual expression of love in a place of peace and eternal rest for someone you
miss and love dearly.

Teenagers have love languages or love modes of communication. Texting is one of those methods.
Texting is a great way to send messages of love and encouragement to the teens in your life.
Text Teens snippets of uplifting scripture filled with colorful and fun emojis.
They will love feeling the love.

Enjoy journaling every day or periodically
throughout the month.
Write about seeing God in your day. Note where you witnessed love, honor, forgiveness,
and/or mercy being demonstrated.
When we focus our eyes on love, we see all that is right. When we focus our eyes on HIM
everything is right.
Another idea is to draw pictures or sketch in your journal to express personal witness to God.
This is ideal for younger children.
Joyfully wear yellow throughout the month to symbolize the light of Jesus and the love that He so perfectly modeled to the world.
Have fun with this - accessorize, face paint, dress top to bottom - and make it yellow - for HIM!